Our Programmes

Adult Education and Training

Project Literacy offers programmes for adults to finish their schooling if it was interrupted for any reason. We also offer pathways to occupational training and further education training.

What we Offer

Become an AET Practitioner
Project Literacy trains adult educators leading to the award of the Adult Education and Training (AET) Practitioner qualification, quality assured by the ETDP SETA. We have trained hundreds of adult educators, including of course our own employees, and this has had a multiplier effect on our fight to eradicate illiteracy in our country.

Choose a Career Path
We also offer unit standards-based training programmes for adult educators quality assured by the ETDP SETA. These include Assessor, Facilitator Moderator, Coach and Mentor; Financial Literacy; and Facilitate Learning in a Community Context

Continue your Education
We also offer the Foundational Learning Competence (FLC) programme, which prepares adults who dropped out of school or have poor matric results for occupational training and for coping with lifelong learning. This is certificated by the IEB. It also covers material that contributes towards several occupational qualifications.

Obtain your National Senior Certificate
Project Literacy also offers training for the Amended National Senior Certificate, for people who want to achieve a matric certificate but are no longer attending school.

We offer training at adult basic (ABET) levels 1, 2 and 3, with certificates issued by the IEB, and at NQF level 1, which is the General Education and Training Certificate quality assured by Umalusi.