Our Programmes

Adult Education and Training

Ensuring Quality

Project Literacy’s approach to planning and implementing out AET/FLC/RPL programmes is based on the following processess, elements and principles.


  • Sensitisation
  • Pre-assessment and placement
  • Provision of quality AET educators and instructors
  • Provision of Learner Support Materials
  • Interactive outcomes-based face-to-face and computer-based blended learning
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Examination readiness assessment
  • Final examination
  • Mathematical literacy, mathematics and mathematical science

The course provides for a co-operative learning environment in which pair and group work is favoured above more prescriptive classroom approaches. As mentioned above our Umalusi Programme Approval also covers the delivery of the following electives that may be provided if so desired:


  • Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
  • Financial Education
  • Arts and Culture
  • Economic Management Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Technology
  • Tourism
  • Ancillary Health Care
  • SMME and
  • Computer Literacy

Run Home to Read

Working with Children and Families

The Run Home to Read Project, our ECD family literacy programme, turned 13 this year and it continues to reach more families. Project Literacy launched ‘Run Home to Read‘ (RHTR) in June 2006 to tackle the absence of Early Childhood Development (ECD) provision for poor rural, peri-urban and township children.

The programme encourages parents and caregivers to develop their children’s early literacy skills at home so they can make the most of their formal education at school. It is community-based, and approval is obtained from the community leaders.

Then unemployed local people who are literate in relevant languages are identified to be trained as ‘Reading Champions’. These champions are allocated families where the carers and children are keen to participate, and the reading, playing and learning takes place in and around the homes, using the home language.

This empowers the adults involved to participate and creates a situation where the learning is available to all interested parties, including older children who may be struggling at school.

Skills Development


Community Capacity Enhancement is a methodology that has been tried and tested in various countries. Critical to this methodology is that it utilises tools and skills that promote inclusivity and equality in communities. It involves convening communities through Community Conversations that take place within a six-step framework of relationship building; concern identification; concern exploration; decision-making; action-implementation and reflection and review. The inclusive and participatory dialogic encounters of CCE create space for people to learn from one another.

Since 2013 Project Literacy has been offering services to grow the use of this excellent approach. we have witnessed communities transform and tackle their core challenges together. 

The visible impact has been profound, often leading to high levels of discovery on the part of communities and community members of their own potential and ability to solve complex social problems affecting them. 

Through various projects driven by the Department of Social Development, PACTSA, USAID, Gauteng Department of education, the international Organisation for Migration and the South African National AIDS Council we have been able to work with communities trying to deal with problems such as Hiv/AiDS and STDs, TB, social ills affecting orphans, youth and vulnerable children, girl children in schools, migrants, farm workers and gender issues. This is done by enhancing the capacity to run community dialogues and follow the six steps to effect community change. Facilitators and Master Trainers are trained and undergo a hands-on, community level extended mentoring process. The training they receive includes training and assessment to achieve an eTDP SeTA accredited unit standard: Facilitate Learning in Development Practices.

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